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12 December 2006



When I was a member of the CoE, it was because the metaphorical doors were wide enough to welcome all. As such, I fail to see this as anything other than pure divisiveness (as usual, lacking pre-emptive attempts to correct the perceived deficits in others and slyly flinging accusations around whilst not having the decency to deal with specific names in private). Sigh.


Servant leaders is so important and I hope that that message impacts the lives of many current and future leaders. It is a sad fact that not all do. It is also encouraging, especially considering recent conversation, to read the suggestions in the 'appointments' section for the raising up of leaders from within churches who then, if I understood correctly, don't just immediately get assigned away from where their call was identified.

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GadgetVicar serves with:

  • Scottish Anglican Network
    A network in Scotland of Anglican churches and individuals who follow Jesus and are enthusiastic for Him to be known in our communities.
  • St Thomas' Church, Edinburgh
    A welcoming community of people in the West of Edinburgh who follow Jesus and who long for others to join them on that journey.
    Helping faithful Anglicans in the British Isles and Europe to proclaim the Gospel to the nations.
  • Tearfund
    A Christian charity passionate about ending poverty. I serve on the Scottish Advisory Group.