A belated Happy and Blessed Christmas to everyone!
It's been a busy few days. On Christmas Eve, after a 7am trip to the supermarket by Ms GV and myself (attempting to avoid the apocalyptic crowds), we visited my mum, dad and brother in Ayrshire.
Attendance at the Watchnight Communion was up in comparison with previous years, and a lovely service it was too, with everyone receiving a candle to light at the beginning, innovative use of liturgy, and some fine singing. Christmas Day morning was marked with another simpIe little service, with wonderful input from some of our youngest members, as I quizzed them about gifts received. I'm just glad I don't have to work with animals too! Kudos to Grayza for prefacing the morning service with this. Cheeky!
A delicious lunch was cooked by Ms GV, served with crackers from Good Gifts. It made a nice change to pop crackers without the unnecessary plastic objects falling out. We followed lunch up with a bracing walk. We then got round to opening presents, and everyone seemed happy with gifts received.
It's been a peaceful Christmas, though I still haven't found my specs.........