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10 January 2008


Mike Goss

Been very pleased with Signs of Cheshire, who have delivered good quality signs for our Church. They are aluminium with vinyl lettering. Recently changed the times of service: hairdryer removed the old, peal and stick the new, looks like the original.
Mind you, from the picture you maybe just need new steel poles to mount the sign you've got.


Re:Hope's sign didn't fair any better. A canvas banner, it became a kite and screamed for freedom. Is this a sign?

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GadgetVicar serves with:

  • Scottish Anglican Network
    A network in Scotland of Anglican churches and individuals who follow Jesus and are enthusiastic for Him to be known in our communities.
  • St Thomas' Church, Edinburgh
    A welcoming community of people in the West of Edinburgh who follow Jesus and who long for others to join them on that journey.
    Helping faithful Anglicans in the British Isles and Europe to proclaim the Gospel to the nations.
  • Tearfund
    A Christian charity passionate about ending poverty. I serve on the Scottish Advisory Group.